Respect, Don't Flex

Real estate agents, how many times have you walked into a showing appointment where the other agent goes out of their way to tell you (and anyone within earshot) how dang busy they are, all the attorneys they know, their years of experience, blah blah blah. Why do we do that?? This is where my zoology degree actually serves me well.

What they’re doing is what any territorial organism will do when they feel threatened. There is a whole display that involves strutting, puffing of feathers or fur, and lots of noise. The intent is to scare you away. The mistake we often make is when we engage this ridiculous behavior. We lose track of our real reason we are there, which is to serve our client. Big-dogging other agents only serves our own egos.

Next time another agent starts strutting around, disarm them by not strutting back, but rather by engaging them, “Wow, sounds like you’re doing amazing. What’s working for you?” This will end the ego-fueled display, and possibly start a nice relationship between the two of you, which IS good for your client. Agents who have good rapport with other agents close more deals, enjoy their jobs more, and never have to puff their chests at their colleagues.


Failure Is Good for Business


Book Review: Atomic Habits, by James Clear