Last Week, Best Week 2019: Day 1

It’s the last week of the year, why not go out with a bang? Over the last 7 days of 2019, I am going to walk you through 7 steps that will give you all the goodness and closure you need from this year and set you up for a super satisfying 2020.


Go through the past 12 months in your mind, calendar, social media feeds, etc. and make note of the high points, wins, successes. Put them into a list and bask in your awesomeness. For each one, answer the following questions:

  1. What do you need to do to be complete with them (celebrate, post about it, go back in your journal and revisit the journey, etc.)?  Do that thing.

  2. What did you learn?

P.S. You’re pretty awesome.


Last Week, Best Week 2019: Day 2


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