The 8 Pillars of Real Estate Happiness
[LISTEN TO THE PODCAST HERE] This week on THPIR we are going to take a ride through the 8 Pillars of Happiness in Real Estate: Service, Grace, Talent, Active Happiness, Growth, Body, Art, and Execution. If you listen to only one episode of this podcast, this is the one. In it we are going to hit all 8 pillars of happiness in real estate, how each one contributes to happiness, and get some specific actions you can take toward implementing those pillars.
SERVICE: Work hard for the benefit of others:
Dig deep into your most gratifying client experiences to identify what your purpose is, articulate it, and create a mechanism for keeping it in front of you
Money is awesome: An overview of the pyramid that lets participant dig deep in the money but also touches on purpose
Ideal client: Take your 3 best client experiences and look for the commonalities: If you could take the best qualities from each and roll them into one, who would that be? That’s now your target market.
GRACE: See the best in others AND yourself
Humanize them: ID the most problematic person in your life and do the humanize test on them
What’s your problem? Talk about the hardest thing you’ve gone through and how it has defined you for better and worse. You’re a dick sometimes because of that.
Agent relations: We have a habit of looking at each other as adversaries. Stop it. If you could co-broke with just 3 agents for the rest of your career, who would they be? Why? Tell them.
TALENT: Know your gifts and leverage them
RYG assessment: Dedicate time and/or money to either offloading this task or getting better at it
Take the DISC
These are the money-makers; order them from favorite to least favorite. You have to give them all attention. Assuming you don’t have help with any of them, make a list and post it on your desktop which puts them in order of: Favorite, least fave, second fave, second worst, and so on. This is how you will prioritize your efforts
Gratitude and affirmation exercise: Open up a blank notebook, put on some nice music and get comfortable. Set a timer for 5 minutes. On the lefthand page, write everything that you are grateful for right now. Don’t stop until the timer goes off (you can go longer if you want). Now on the right hand side, write everything you really wish were true, using the same format ‘I am grateful that/for…’
Be kind to someone else: ID the person closest to you: Go do something nice for them. Do a chore for them, pick up a treat, send them a loving message.
Meditation: Download the Headspace app and go do a 10 minute meditation
GROWTH: Get better
Read a book: Here are the summaries of 5 of the most impactful books I’ve read for my business. Pick one and order it.
Listen to a podcast: Here are summaries of 5 good ones. Pick one and add it to your library
Get off the farm: FB groups, conferences, create a mastermind.
BODY: Use your body
Yoga/stretching has these benefits. Go find a 15 minute routine you can do right now.
Walking - The meditative power of walking. In the next 24 hours, get 5k steps or 50 min on your feet.
Working out - All the characteristics you need for success in life & business can be found in the gym.
ART: Practice your art
What is your art? What did you love to do when you were a kid? If you didn’t have to earn money how would you spend your time?
Music makes the brain do things. What do you want your brain to do? Here are 3 playlists I love:
Pump Sesh
Open House
Not much of a knitter? Don’t like dogs? There’s hope for you. It’s time to try something new! Sign up for a class you’ve always wanted to take. Join a mah jongg team. Book club! Church. Watch other people do art. Volunteer. Serve on a board. Go flex your mojo somewhere.
EXECUTION: Own your time
Ideal week: Ideal week is like an ideal diet. It’s aspirational, but also directional and gives you the structure you used to get from school and from a boss. Now you’re the boss of you.
Buffer zones: Ever lay out your perfect to do list and plan for your day only to have it hijacked by one phone call, email, or leaf blowing by the window? I can’t say that will never happen again, but with buffer zones, you can take some of the power and lure out of those pesky distractions.
Power blocks: Science shows that the first 3 hours of your day are best for productivity. So you need to protect those hours with everything you’ve got.
So there it is: All 8 Pillars: SERVICE, GRACE, TALENT, ACTIVE HAPPINESS, GROWTH, BODY, ART, EXECUTION. If you want to see how this plays out in real life, follow me on Instagram at @hellyeahbacon.