How to Get Business Without Asking For It

Even though phone calls are a time-tested way to build your business, so few people leverage this tool consistently. Part of the reason we don’t is because we feel uncomfortable asking our friends, family, and clients for business. What if I told you there’s a way to pound the phones without compromising your values?

Today’s consumer has no tolerance for a sales call. In fact, today’s consumer often has little tolerance for any kind of unsolicited phone call. But here are 3 Do’s and 1 Don’t for making them glad they picked up: 

DO: Tell them right off the bat why you’re calling.

“Hi, Mark, it’s Katie Clancy. Hey, I have a business question for you”

DO: Put your ask at the beginning of the call. Otherwise, you could open with a ‘Hey how’s the fam?’ get into a long convo about their ailing mother and then have to pull the conversation around to business, which is extremely uncomfortable and off-putting. 

“I have a client with a great dane like your Marmaduke, and they are looking for a dog walker who can handle that much dog. I know you were really happy with yours. Would you mind sharing their contact info? Thanks so much! So anyway, how IS Marmaduke? And the fam?...”

DO: Finish the call with gratitude and ideally a way to demonstrate it.

“Oh, thank you so much. That is really helpful. They will be so pleased. If you want their number to connect with another great dane owner, I am happy to connect you guys. Yes? Great! I’ll send a text intro when we get off the phone.”

DON’T: Ruin the call with “...Oh by the way…” 

For the love of all things holy, resist the temptation to insert some cheesy pitch at the end of the call. You’ve just spent 20 minutes of your life developing a warm, trusting relationship. Just leave it at that, let the good juju of the call do it’s magic over time, and move on to the next call. Trust that if you build the relationships, the business will come.


Not Your Mother’s Open House


The 5 Easiest Prospecting Calls You Can Make